
How can we help you?

    BASIC DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION: In compliance with the duty to inform data subjects of the circumstances and conditions under which their data is processed and of their rights in this regard we provide you with the following information.

    Data controller

    Responsable: DIGITAL SCREEN, S.L. - CIF: B60673084 Dir. Postal: C/CABALLERO, 89 BAJOS, CP: 08029 - BARCELONA (BARCELONA)

    Purposoe of the data processing

    To manage and answer your query.

    Lawful basis

    Your consent


    The data will not be disclosed to third parties unless there is a legal obligation or communication necessary to respond to your enquiry.

    Your rights

    You may revoke your consent and exercise your rights to access, rectify, object to, restrict, transfer, and delete your data with the data controller.

    Additional information

    You can consult the additional information regarding the processing of your personal data in the following link aquí.